Friday, January 15, 2010

Orthodontics Singapore Can Anyone Here Tell Me The Price Of Orthodontics ?? I'm Foreigner And Living In Singapore.I Need To Know.Thks

Can anyone here tell me the price of orthodontics ?? I'm foreigner and living in Singapore.I need to know.Thks - orthodontics singapore

I need the price for long Orthodontics.How complete know? May I have good teeth.


ジャンリン said...


What are you looking for orthodontic services?
You mention NVR.
Braces or a root canal or other?

Either way, we pass the address of my dentist. It is one of the best in their industry.

Dr Shue & Dental Associatie
Eastpoint Mall # of 04.-28
Tel: 6787 2032

Its price is linked to similar GHS.
Please call for an appointment before going down.

me =) said...

Hello, one can TP dentists on this site, I try to find my 88dB local dental examinations, dental implants, orthodontics, teeth whitening and more, you can search the site for a list of other dental and orthodontic

amanda said...

see a specialist, costs about $ 3500 and for the treatment of post-graduate (the waiting list is about a year), costs about $ 2500
It takes about a year, take a half to two years depending on the condition of the teeth

amanda said...

see a specialist, costs about $ 3500 and for the treatment of post-graduate (the waiting list is about a year), costs about $ 2500
It takes about a year, take a half to two years depending on the condition of the teeth

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