Friday, February 19, 2010

Megaladon Pictures Looking For Pic Of Huge Shark Captured In 1960's?

Looking for pic of Huge shark captured in 1960's? - megaladon pictures

I have tried to find an image captured by a giant shark in the 1960s (I think). The photo is in black and white, the shark is hanging his tail. I know there are many photos like, but I want more, maybe it was a megaladon?


Casey ~ said...

I think it is a big shark mouth, but the first catch in 1976.

MEGALODON extinguished. :)

Try this one, sees more vintage, and quite large. If not, just Google megamouth image. There are wide number of images with Mega Mouth.

Hope it helps!

artistic... said...

Megaladon sharks have disappeared millions of years would be better for white sharks can be large or pilgrims.

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